Mississippi Assessment and Accountability Reporting System
Download Assessment and Accountability Data Files

What is STUDENT ASSESSMENT DATA in Classic Format?

Formal statewide assessment programs were established in Mississippi as required under the Educational Reform Act of 1982. The first testing programs, implemented during the 1986/1987 school year, included the Stanford Achievement Test (NRT), the Basic Skills Assesment Program (BSAP) for Grades 5 and 8, and the Functional Literacy Examination (FLE). The custom BSAP and FLE state testing programs had been piloted during 1985/1986.

The testing programs evolved over the years with newer or different versions of an NRT, phasing out of the BSAP, and the addition of high school Subject Area Tests. During school year 1998/1999, plans were finalized for the development of an entirely new assessment program. A new NRT and a writing assessment were implemented during the 1999/2000 school year. During that school year, a new criterion-referenced assessment system for grades 2-8 and a new Subject Area Testing Program were piloted. The first live administration of the Mississippi Curriculum Test (MCT) and the new Subject Area Tests in Algebra I, Biology I, English II, and U.S. History from 1877 occurred in 2000/2001.

Beginning with the tests administered during the 1990/1991 school year, aggregated data files were created and saved. When needed, the data files were copied to floppy disks and delivered by mail. During the fall of 1998, the newly established Office of Research and Statistics (ORS) implemented a public HTTP (web) and FTP server, posted the aggregate data files on the FTP site, and converted the Test Data Retrieval System (TDRS) -- originally available only on the MDE LAN -- for web access. The Mississippi Assessment and Accountability Reporting System (MAARS) web application replaced the old Test Data Retrieval System for assessment results from 2003/2004 and later school years. Assessment results from 1998/1999 through 2002/2003 can still be accessed from TDRS using the following link...
[Test Data Retrieval System]

CLASSIC FORMAT refers to data files containing non-disaggregated assessment results at the school, district, and state level. Classic format assessment data files are currently available for download for every statewide test administration from 1990/1991 through the previous school year. The page you were viewing when you clicked to get here contains links that make it easy to download classic format data files from the last several years. The last link in the "Student Assessment Data in Classic Format" section displays a listing of all the classic format assessment files stored on the ORS FTP server.

The term, "Classic Format" distinguishes the non-disaggregated results from files containing assessment results showing the performance of separate subgroups as required under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB).